garden photography gardening ornamental trees and shrubs photography shrubs The National Trust trees winter gardens

Photographing winter light at Dunham Massey.

The lighting on the day of our visit to Durham Massey recently was amazing for taking photographs. It was a sunny day with a bright blue sky above. The light acted light a spotlight shining just above ground level. It lit up leaves, tree trunks, flower petals. And it shone in “The Undergardener’s” eyes!

Peeling bark and Snowdrops.
Winter light reflected in the glossy bamboo foliage.
Back-lit Hydrangea seed heads.
Twiggy highlights like spiders' webs.
Long shadows of the White-stemmed Birch cross the carpet of Snowdrops.
Winter light turns Cornus mas flowers into gold along the orange peel bark.
Orange stems and yellow foliage enriched by the light
Looking out from the shadows.
Curling silhouettes of an old gnarled Rhodendron bush.
Fence shadows.
Snowdrops and moss.
Sparkling Hydrangeas.
Into the light.
Fallen rotting tree trunk looking like a huge tuning fork.
Jewel coloured Bergenia leaves.
Sparkling Lake

By greenbenchramblings

A retired primary school head teacher, I now spend much of my time gardening in our quarter acre plot in rural Shropshire south of Shrewsbury. I share my garden with Jude my wife a newly retired teacher , eight assorted chickens and a plethora of wildlife. Jude does all the heavy work as I have a damaged spine and right leg. We also garden on an allotment nearby. We are interested in all things related to gardens, green issues and wildlife.

11 replies on “Photographing winter light at Dunham Massey.”

These birches are my favourite plants. I take so many photos of them in so many places. We have a classic trio in our front garden and can’t wait for them to grow a bit.


You obviously enjoy photography as your pictures always make me feel as if I’m there with you! I’m trying to practice more with my camera as I’ve always just been a “point & click” girl. I enjoy all your photos but particularly like the picture of the fence (who’d have thought it? ha ha).

I appreciate your comments. I took several pictures of the fence, the close-up on the blog worked but the others failed. So the secret is to try, try and try again.


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